
DRAXIMAGE® I-131 Diagnostic Capsules

Product Monograph

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Important Safety Information

Assessment of thyroid function and structure through the use of nuclear medicine procedures represents one of the most basic, valuable, and frequently used techniques in the practice of nuclear medicine. Thyroid iodine-uptake values reflect early phases of the thyroid hormone production relative to overall thyroid function. Iodine uptake studies confirm that the thyroid will take up iodine and determine its capacity to do so.

Common indications for radionuclide thyroid imaging are to differentiate between various types of hypo- or hyperfunction, to assess nodularity and/or ectopic thyroid tissue, or to evaluate thyroid cancer and possible metastases—especially after thyroid ablation or surgery.

Product Overview

Product Name

Sodium Iodide I 131 Capsule Diagnostic USP – Oral


Sodium iodide I-131 is indicated for the assessment & evaluation of thyroid function.


The capsules are composed of one opaque white half, while the other half is an opaque pink, yellow, orange, grey or green. The capsules are packaged in plastic vials containing 5 capsules and one desiccant packet.

Each capsule contains 3.7 MBq (100 µCi) at time of calibration. The capsule will yield 2.03, 1.11, 0.61, or 0.33 MBq (55, 30, 16.5, or 9 µCi) according to the color-coded decay calendar, which assigns a color and capsule activity for each week of the year. You are invited to consult the color-coded decay calendar provided to help establish which colored capsule is required for your prescribed dose, or calculate correct dosage from the date and time of calibration provided on the container label.


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2024 Calendar

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This information is not intended as medical advice. Responsibility for patient care resides with the healthcare professional on the basis of his or her professional license, experience and knowledge of the patient. For full Prescribing Information including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse events, please see the appropriate product labeling.


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