

JDI-Cyclopharm Technegas Announcement

Jubilant DraxImage signs Term Sheet with Cyclopharm for exclusive license to market Technegas in the United States

Montreal & Sydney, September 14, 2015 – Jubilant DraxImage Inc. (“DraxImage”) and Cyclopharm Limited (“CYC”) are pleased to announce the signing of a term sheet, subject to satisfactory due diligence and  execution of the Definitive Agreement and other necessary approvals, providing DraxImage an exclusive license to market and distribute Technegas in the United States. DraxImage will assist CYC with the development and financing of the phase III clinical trials for Technegas, and any other steps required to file for and obtain USFDA approval.

DraxImage President Martyn Coombs stated, “Jubilant DraxImage is excited about this opportunity to participate with Cyclopharm in the clinical development and potential US market introduction of this innovative nuclear medicine product.  The execution of this Term Sheet demonstrates DraxImage’s commitment to invest in and grow the sustainability of ventilation/perfusion imaging in the US and our continued passion to bring innovative products that enable physicians to deliver high quality diagnostics to their patients”.

Cyclopharm CEO James McBrayer stated that “Cyclopharm is thrilled with the opportunities this transaction represents. DraxImage is the USA market leader for nuclear medicine lung imaging. We are confident that the synergies that exist between our organizations will ensure faster acceptance of our proprietary technology”.

 For more information, please contact:

Ms Suzanne Bissonnette Mr James McBrayer
Director, Marketing CEO, Managing Director & Company Secretary
Jubilant DraxImage Cyclopharm Limited

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